53 year old male presented to the opd with C/O swelling of back of neck 7 years and right thigh since 5 years.

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome."I've been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan 

53 year old male presented to the opd with C/O swelling of back of neck 7 years and  right thigh since 5 years.

HOPI : Patient was apparently asymptomatic 7  yrs back then he developed swelling in back of neck which was insidious in onset gradually progressed to progressed to present size.
5 years back he had H/o trauma + (?wooden stick injury) 
6 months later he noticed the swelling Initially started on the right side and progressed to involve first the lateral part for 2 years then progressed to medial part of the thigh also 

On prolonged activity there is a little bit increase in size of the swelling with tightening of overlying skin

No pain or restriction of movements


N/K/C/O Epilepsy HTN DM CAD CVA TB Asthma

 Personal history: 
Normal appetite takes veg diet (non veg stopped 2 years ago).He is a garment shop owner, regular bowel habits , normal micturition , no allergies and addictions.
Family History:
Father has hypertension 

Patient conscious coherent cooperative 
Moderately built and nourished
No, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing,pallor,edema,lymphadenopathy 

PR-98 bpm 
Cardiovascular System : S1, S2 heard, no murmurs

Respiratory System : Bilateral air entry present.Normal vesicular breath sounds heard.Position of trachea central.

Central Nervous System : patient is conscious coherent and cooperative. Higher mental functions intact 

Per abdomen : soft, non tender ,no guarding and rigidity

A single swelling over Right Thigh region of size 20*15 cm and of elliptical shape.No discharge from the swelling,no visible pulsations dilated veins scars sinuses seen.
No redness, skin over the swelling is shiny.

No local rise of temperature or tenderness.
All inspectory finding are confirmed 

A single swelling over Right Thigh region of size 20*15 cm and of elliptical shape and cystic in consistency.Surronding skin is normal. All borders are well defined and swelling non mobile in all directions.skin over the swelling is pinchable

A single swelling over back of neck region of size 4x4 cm and of oval shape.No discharge from the swelling,no visible pulsations dilated veins scars sinuses seen.
No redness, skin over the swelling is Normal.

No local rise of temperature or tenderness.
All inspectory finding are confirmed 

A single swelling over back of neck region of size 4x 4 cm and of ovoid shape and soft in consistency.Surronding skin is normal. All borders are well defined and swelling non mobile in all directions.skin over the swelling is pinchable


Provisional Diagnosis:
Lipoma over the nape of neck
Swelling over Rt thigh ?Lipoma
of the Right Thigh

Investigations :

True cut Biopsy:






Orthopaedics referral was done i/v/o any bony involvement and xray was advised which was normal 

General Surgery opinion was taken i/v/o liposarcoma and true cut biopsy was adviced and done on 22/2/23
the patient was asked to report to General Surgery OPD with biopsy reports 


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